Opportunity through connectivity
A new proposal for connecting the Midlands and the North West – securing economic growth and prosperity
Image by Mangopear Creative
Connecting places and driving growth
The Mayors of Greater Manchester and the West Midlands commissioned a private sector consortium to review the role of enhanced connectivity in catalysing growth, skills, and jobs across their city-regions, and to explore opportunities for greater private sector involvement in delivering and financing new solutions.
This review was chaired by infrastructure expert Sir David Higgins and led by Arup alongside a private sector consortium of Addleshaw Goddard, Arcadis, Dragados, EY, Mace and Skanska.
We have concluded that a Midlands-North West Rail Link (MNWRL) should be built, in stages and in partnership with private investors. We have identified a solution which still provides the capacity and connectivity benefits of HS2, but at a far lower cost.
This vital link will connect towns and cities across the Midlands and the North, providing critical capacity and better service for passengers and freight across the UK.

Objectives of the review
Current connectivity
Understand the new baseline situation for rail services and infrastructure along this corridor, following HS2 Phase 2’s cancellation.
Implications for economic growth
Articulate the economic rationale and imperative for improving connectivity between Birmingham, Manchester and beyond.
Design solutions
Develop lower cost, investable options for improving connectivity between these city-regions and fully unlocking the benefits from Northern Powerhouse Rail, Midlands Rail Hub, HS2, and local transport investments.
Alternative model for funding and delivery
Identify alternative delivery / funding models – including potential private sector-led approaches, informed by global precedent.
Image by Adwitiya Pal
Read the report
Please note that the summary report and main report are intended to be viewed as two-page spreads.